Local transportation

The local transport network in Toulouse is dense and convenient. It consists in buses, subways (2 lines) and tramways (2 lines).

Please use the links below to get:

  • the maps of the main lines (subway + tramway (link to the airport using line T2 in less than 40 minutes):



  • the maps of all the lines including buses:



  • information helping you to plan a journey (in French):



Riding a bicycle at a fair rate is also possible. The cost is 1.2€ per day and then the trip is free during half an hour. A high number of vélô Toulouse stations are available in the city and close to LAAS (stations 222 and 223).

  • See (in French):




We will provide you a transport pass for the duration of the workshop, in order to make your local trips easy.

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